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Housing Handbook

You can now enjoy the privileges, rights and responsibilities shared by everyone in our living and learning community. Many opportunities and challenges are available to you that will enhance your academic, personal and social development. 你选择与你的同龄人一起参与我们的社区的程度将决定你的经历有多有意义和积极.

The University Housing staff invites you to share in the development of our community. Our staff and programs are dedicated to creating a balanced environment in which the learning process, 我们重视并鼓励人与人之间的交流以及对文化和生活方式差异的理解.

We are committed to making this year exciting, productive, stimulating and memorable for you. The housing staff and administration look forward to assisting and supporting you this academic year.

It is your responsibility to read this handbook and understand the policies and procedures it contains. The information in this handbook reflects the University Housing Community Standards of Behavior, which you are required to uphold.

Oakland University Housing vision
University Housing will be recognized as an integral part of the university, in which academics and residential living work together to cultivate learning, personal well-being and social experiences that enhance student life on campus.

Oakland University Housing mission
大学宿舍的使命是提供一个安全的生活和学习体验,促进社区意识, civic responsibility and an appreciation for individual differences.

Oakland University Housing core values
In order to cultivate learning, personal well-being and social experiences, University Housing subscribes to the following core values: academic achievement; ethical conduct; civility/citizenship; financial responsibility; personal wellness; and multicultural understanding.

To be eligible to reside in University Housing, students must be:

  • 作为大学学位课程的正式录取或有条件录取的学生被大学录取,并在每年秋季至少注册一(1)个学分, winter, or summer semester in which they reside in University Housing;
  • 在与本校有联系或交换协议的另一所学院或大学攻读学位的学生,并作为其中一项联系或交换协议所涵盖的课程的一部分在本校就读;
  • or, participating in the University’s authorized summer camp or Semester Abroad programs. 

In addition, 已被大学英语作为第二语言学院(“ESL学院”)录取的学生有资格居住在大学宿舍,如果他们:

  • 已经申请了该大学的学位课程,或者在ESL学院申请中表明他们打算在该大学攻读学位;
  • 必须在大学的ESL学院完成课程,以满足大学的英语语言能力入学要求;
  • have been issued an I-20 or DS-2019 from the University for their ESL Institute studies;
  • are enrolled full-time in ESL Institute courses; and (v) are making satisfactory academic progress in their ESL Institute program as determined by the University.





Residents must be registered for at least one course credit in any given semester, during the duration of the University Housing contract. A student’s university account must be current before an assignment is made. After an assignment has been made, the resident’s account must remain current.

The apartments and residence halls each have a residence director (RD), a graduate residence director (GRD), and resident assistants (RAs). 大学住宿社区的其他本科生工作人员包括住宿同伴导师(RPTs), Nightwatch Attendants (NW), Service Desk Attendants (DAs), Student Office Assistants (SOAs), Helpdesk Technicians, Maintenance Assistants (MAs).

The residence director (RD) 是否有一名全职的专业人员负责其管辖建筑物的日常运作,并全面监督社区员工.

The graduate residence director (GRD) 研究生是否负责创造和维护一个社区环境,使居民能够发展一个成功的学术环境, a sense of self responsibility for their behaviors, leadership and social skills, and maturity.

Resident assistants (RAs) live with residents on every floor of every residence hall building. RAs also live in each building of the Ann V. Nicholson apartments. In the George T. Matthews apartments, there are two resident assistants. 助教是学生领袖,他们为成功的学业成就和人际关系提供适当的氛围.

Residential Peer Tutors (RPTs) support the academic endeavor of all residents by hosting tutor nights, planning academically focused programs and serving as a general academic support and resource.

Nightwatch (NW) 工作人员在指定的夜间时间在安全登记服务台工作,为宿舍社区提供服务. For the convenience of residents, Nightwatch staff also answer questions and serve as a community resource at the Nightwatch desk.

Service desk attendants staff the Hamlin, Hillcrest, Student Apartments, Van Wagoner, and Vandenberg Service Desks and serve our community by providing various services, including mail distribution and answering general questions of residents.

Student office assistants (SOAs) staff the front desk in the University Housing office in Hamlin Hall, and serve our community by providing various services, including scheduling appointments, answering phones and email, and providing general information to visitors.

Helpdesk technicians 在大学住房技术帮助台提供服务,并可以帮助居民解决他们的技术和连接需求.

Maintenance assistants (MAs) serve our community by providing after-hours maintenance assistance.

All housing staff members enforce the policies and procedures covered in this handbook, 并确保社区行为标准得到维护,个人权利和责任得到享受.

The Residence Life Association (RLA) is the governing body for all student residents. RLA offers residents the opportunity to influence residential programs, policies and procedures. Through the association, students have access to all facets of residential life.

RLA voting members include community representatives and the RLA executive board. The RLA meets weekly to make decisions and receive executive board reports. RLA meetings are open to any interested student. Meetings are held each Monday at 8 p.m. In-person meetings are held in various locations across the University Housing communities. Meetings may also be held virtually, as needed, in the interest of public health and safety.

In addition to RLA, 每个社区都有自己的社区委员会,为社区计划社会和教育活动,并解决复杂的问题. Membership is open to any interested student.

Residence Life student government is funded by on-campus residents. The amount of $10 per semester is included in the total room cost; from this total amount, $7 per semester is allotted to the Residence Life Association; $2 to the student’s Community Council; and $1 to the student’s floor (for residence halls) or building (for apartments).

居民不需要当选官员就可以参加居民生活协会或社区委员会的会议和活动. 参加学生会的学生可以获得宝贵的领导技能,同时在宿舍生活中推广社区理念.

University Housing policies and procedures are reviewed yearly. They are consistent with Oakland University policies and procedures, and may be subject to review by the university administration and/or Board of Trustees. 个人或团体居民可以向大学住房办公室提出他们对大学住房政策和程序的担忧, or submit them to the association in writing. 行政当局将审查所有问题,并在尽可能早的日期通知居民或团体其决定.

The Residence Life Association can be reached at [email protected].

University Housing Office - Hamlin Hall
Hamlin Hall, Room 448
550 Meadow Brook Road
(248) 370-3570
[email protected]

University Housing Office - Hillcrest Hall
Hillcrest Hall, Room 304
273 Grizzly Lane
(248) 370-3941
[email protected]

Maintenance 24-Hour Trouble Line
(248) 370-2954

University Housing Technology Helpdesk
550 Meadow Brook Road
Hamlin Hall, Room 423
(248) 370-2534
[email protected]

University Housing Academic Support Office - Hillcrest Hall
273 Grizzly Lane
Hillcrest Hall, Room 423
(248) 370-3941
[email protected]

Complex Contact Information
Hamlin Hall: (248) 370-2953
Hillcrest Hall: (248) 370-3984
Oak View Hall: (248) 370-4491
University Student Apartments: (248) 370-2581
Vandenberg Hall: (248) 370-2286

Contacting Residence Life Staff
There is a Residence Director on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is a Graduate Residence Director on duty from 5 p.m. until 8 a.m. daily. Resident Assistants are also on duty in each community from 7 p.m. until 8 a.m., Monday through Friday. On weekends, there is an RA on duty 24 hours a day. 当学生被锁在房间外面时,值班的宿舍生活工作人员可以帮助学生, have maintenance problems, or experience personal difficulties during the evening when the University Housing Office is closed. A list of on-duty staff members is posted in the main lobby of every residence hall.

Duty Phone Numbers
These numbers are to be called ONLY by residents of University Housing during “after hours” periods (7 p.m. until 7 a.m., Monday through Friday, and all day and night on Saturday and Sunday).

Hamlin Hall
North: (248) 866-2243
South: (248) 343-0061

Hillcrest Hall
(248) 894-3203
(248) 894-9897

Oak View Hall
(248) 259-1345
(248) 506-6760

Vandenberg Hall
East: (248) 343-0226
West: (248) 670-2221

University Student Apartments
(248) 343-0419
(248) 343-0499

University Housing

Hamlin Hall, Room 448
550 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-3570

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.